To: Boxslayer


I am one of Billy Walters Boys!
Jun 15, 2005
Originally Posted by Boxslayer32
Can't let it go, huh? Man I knew you were a loser - I didn't realize it was chronic. I love that some guy like me, over the internet, can fluster you this badly to the point where it is all you think about all day.

Must be tough for a good capper like Spread to walk, much less, cap games with you swinging from his nuts all day. I underestimated his skills. Spread is balls deep in your mouth at this point with your internet BJs and he's still able to contribute something.

Try making a contribution to the forum, an opinion, a thought, a pick, something. You're useless. Waste of oxygen. Waste of space. Just good for a handjob. The last thing I was doing when I was in college was spend time on the internet. Talk about needing to get laid. You're in college, albeit a 2nd rate one, and you spend your time on the internet giving e-blowjobs? Ha!

You can drop it or you can keep firing away. The choice is yours, but I don't sit around and watch you think you're funny with your cute little comments.

And if you do wish to continue, try starting your own thread in the rubber room instead of coming onto your boys picks and threads and polluting it with this garbage.

First off my comment was a joke so you need to calm down.

Next, Spread introduced me to sports gambling, I am just trying to learn before I post picks.

I mean I could post losers like you do and loose money or I can follow people who know what they are talking about and win money.
So Mr. Ivy League...Which do you think is a better idea?

Here is my plan. I will follow and learn from real Handicappers that have won and are actually hitting above 50% until I understand all the ins and outs of gambling and then maybe you can teach me about trap games and I will be well on my way to becoming a Tout.

I am a little confused on some things; help me and my 2nd tier education learn what you are talking about.

1- "It is all you think about all day"
I made like 2 posts today totally about 2 sentences, you made like 100 totally about as long as Steven King novel on the matter. So I wonder who thinks about it all day.

2- "The last thing I was doing when I was in college was spend time on the internet."
That’s b/c when u went to college they didn’t have computers. And everything in college is done on the internet now. So maybe you should think before you speak Harvard boy or ask your brother the doctor before you post"

Speaking of spending so much time on computers you might want to work a little more or spend some time with your family instead of gambling (which you suck at) and posting all the time.

But you should know that b/c you are so much more mature and older and wiser and came from a top education and have a brother that is a doctor and don’t forget a body builder.

3- "Try starting your own thread in the rubber room instead of coming onto your boys picks and threads and polluting it with this garbage."

This is a perfect example of how dumb you are. I posted a one sentence comment in my friends thread that he thought was funny and you came in and once again ruined the thread. Maybe you should take some of your own advice and start your own thread if you want to talk shit.

I would post more but I have to go another E-Blowjob! By the way what was your SAT Score and GPA lets see if you would have got into UCF.

So go
Fuck Yourself & Kill Yourself!
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That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
For some reason you and Spread want to bring me into things. First Spread out of nowhere calls me a fucking idiot. I said nothing to him to warrant that response. Second you want to start in with me. If you do, I would be more than happy to respond.

First I am not a bodybuilder however I workout 4-6 days a week. It is my #1 hobby for quite some time. I mostly lift weights and can hold my own in the weight room.

If you doubt this or my career, I would love to put a wager on it with you. Let me know if you are interested. I am sure we could come up with some parameters to make this an interesting wager.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
1) I'm hitting well above 50% if you include my new system, which is hitting damn near 85%. If you dont include my system, I'm hitting at 50%. Not losing much, just juice. Winning plenty of money in other sports, or I wouldnt be able to have been around this site for 2 years, I would be out of money. Basketball is my worst sport at capping. 50%+ is not bad considering its my least favorite and worst sport.

2) Spread is doing a terrific job capping right now. And I give him all of the credit in the world, and I even admitted that he is a better capper then me in the NBA. The key is long term success. I've been capping games since I was 18, and winning. I'm 25 now. I hope your boy continues his success, but nobody seems to mention how I, among others, lost copious amounts of money following his playoff picks last year. I never bashed him, never complained. I would read his, Black Lab, etc analysis and kept losing. So, even though I lost, I'm not here to bash. He gave his picks, I followed, he tried, I appreciated his efforts, no big deal. I damn near quadrupled my account with my own college baseball picks where I hit 85%+.

3) I can type extremely fast. Grew up always having a computer, was that guy who always typed instead of write shit. My posts may seem long, but they take 2-3 minutes to type. I dont invest a lot of time.

4) I'm not trying to become a tout. I actually wager on my games. Touts don't, or they wouldnt need to be tout. I cant teach you anything about capping or trap games. I have plenty to learn myself. The only advice I can give you is to learn from people with experience. Do you deserve advice? not really.

5) I was in college 3 years ago. Plenty of my classes were online classes only. Still didnt hang around the computer as much as you did. Sorry, but there goes that theory.

6) I went to UF, UF is not ivy league. I act high and mighty over you because it's just some in-state "rival" fun. You want to take it as me acting like I have a PHD, thats fine. However, UF is in another class then UCF, and FSU for that matter academically. If I got accepted to UF, don't you think I would have gotten accepted to UCF? I didn't even bother applying to UCF. I didnt want to go there or I would have "killed" myself. You're a classic example of that. 2nd rate school, 2nd rate education, 2nd rate people. Scumbags like yourself, classless motherfuckers that dont know the difference between wishing death on someone and calling someone a motherfucker. IGNORANCE. There is a huge difference between wishing death upon someone, and name calling, a huge difference between hate and dislike.

My GPA and SAT were both very high, and if I told you, you wouldnt believe me, so I wont even bother. Just know 4.0+, 1300+. UCF accepts blind one armed monkeys with 800 SAT and 2.5 GPA. I mean, its community college education but they make you pay tuition. You wanna talk about losing money? You're dropping 8 grand a year on a piece of paper that any company or business will use as toilet paper. But hey, it will have that cute knight logo on top. Maybe you can be a junior sales rep for a small pharmaceutical firm and make $21,000 a year and get fired in 3 years. Now that I think about it, I dont blame you for being on here all of the time. You'll need to get good at sports betting if you want to make any money.

7) Maybe I should think before I speak? Funny I was thinking the same thing. Damn near everything you said was inaccurate. Me being old and wise, and going to college when there were no computers, and online classes, and thinking before I speak, and my GPA and SAT sucked, and I suck at capping when my worst and least favorite sport hits at 50%+, blah blah. You're just spewing inaccurate bullshit out of your mouth with every breath you take.

8) Your one sentence or my 10 sentences. It's the principal of the matter. I warned that if any shit was spoken about me, I'm firing back. But you can't drop it. Incapable of dropping it. You could let it go. You could move on. You have to continue to make these little stabs, these little jokes. So don't blame me for defending myself. Just drop the motherfuckin thing, and I won't ever be in anyones thread disrespecting anyone. If you could shut your fuckin mouth about the stupid drunken incident from 3 days ago, we wouldnt be here right now. We'd be minding our own business.

I mean you got 18 posts or so. 13 of them have Spread's cock in your mouth, and 5 of them are stabs at me. Let me know who needs a life.

I spend plenty of time with my family and working for that matter, Dad. Thanks for your concern. The last guy I'm going to take value advice from is a guy who tells people to kill themselves. LOL. You're a joke. Seriously dude. Fuck off scrub. :finger:

I am one of Billy Walters Boys!
Jun 15, 2005
Pimple i have no problem with you just your brother i acutally find you funny. He said that you were a body builder i could find the quote if you would like. I have the utmost respect for all doctors as there are a few of them in my family. I meant no disrespect.I apologize. However your brother does like to tell everyone that you are a doctor to i guess show you off since it seems like your the man in the family that made it. Once again i can show you where he does if you would like.

"UCF: When Miami-Dade Community College Rejects You" :lolBIG: Now that shit is funny me and spread were actually laughing are asses off when we saw that. give me a little slack. i got accepted there but Broward rejected me. I mean someone right off the boat could get into MDCC but BCC thats like Harvard.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Fade Me said:
Pimple i have no problem with you just your brother i acutally find you funny. He said that you were a body builder i could find the quote if you would like. I have the utmost respect for all doctors as there are a few of them in my family. I meant no disrespect.I apologize. However your brother does like to tell everyone that you are a doctor to i guess show you off since it seems like your the man in the family that made it. Once again i can show you where he does if you would like.

"UCF: When Miami-Dade Community College Rejects You" :lolBIG: Now that shit is funny me and spread were actually laughing are asses off when we saw that. give me a little slack. i got accepted there but Broward rejected me. I mean someone right off the boat could get into MDCC but BCC thats like Harvard.

LOL. Come on dude I'm not showing off for people over the internet and I sure as hell am not showing off for my brother for people over the internet. Just listen to what you are saying. It's foolish at best. Really, you gotta quit with this jealousy and showing off thing. Its comical. Somebody called my brother an idiot or some shit. I just thought it was funny, because the dude is a doctor. I was proving a point. I didnt make a thread that said "My Brother the Doctor" and have everyone read.

He's not a "bodybuilder" like he goes in competitions and competes for awards and shit, but hes a workout junkie and a large dude. Forgive me for slightly exaggerating that point. I did say that, no need to find the quote. What are you trying to prove?

NBA and Miami Heat Guru
Sep 20, 2004
Just let this one die fellas. Who give a fuck about this anymore? Not me. I say everyone just lets it go. Trust me, "Fade Me" is well on his way to a great job. Will not post details about it here because there is no real reason to do so, but have a real feeling that he will make a little more than $21,000.:103631605

Rawpimple-The only reason that I brought you into it was the fact that one of your previous statements was just so ludicrious. I think you had stated that one other poster was the only one who making any money in the NBA. The rest were just barely getting by. Something to that effect. Just seemed kind of silly to me, being that I had the exact same record as the poster who you were referring to. So not sure how two posters with the same record could be worlds apart in terms of making money. I think you have to be much smarter than that, being a doctor and all. And this is not a personal contest. Are you a doctor? I'm sure you are. Do I care what your profession is? No. I do not know you, I do not care. But good luck with it, are you a dermatologist? Would think so with the name "RawPimple". Either way, good luck with it.

I am one of Billy Walters Boys!
Jun 15, 2005
I am going to throw my last comments and I am sure you will to bc I know your insecurity will not allow you not to or maybe you will be "drunk" again.

I would love to see some documents proving this suppose 80% winners.

You are fucking bi-polar and need to get some help, one second you say spread is great paper and would never bash him and but you did and you keep bringing up the playoffs to bash him indirectly.

The computer and GPA shit is what we call sarcasm, you might to get a sense of humor tight ass.

I do not wish death upon you but I know it gets to you so I say it.

I am not ignorant, stupid or going to be a failure. Since you want to talk shit about me and do not even know me I will tell you some stuff about me. The last two summers I got internships in NYC with multi-billion & multi-million companies respectively, both which have offered me jobs as soon as I get out of school. I think they will pay me more than $21,000.

If you think life is determined by a piece of paper you receive from college. You are mistaken. Its one line on your resume big fucking deal. Waive that UF degree around all you want but in the end it’s just another State school from <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:state w:st="on">Florida</st1:state></st1:place> and does hold any weight over UCF.

I will continue to post in Spreads threads praising him if he hits over 60% and the day you do I will praise you. Call it E-Blowjobs or whatever you want but its called loyalty the man has won me money so I am going to praise him until the day he goes in the negative and if that day ever came I will support him because I am a good friend.

Think of me what you want, but remeber I don't question you as a person, you have questioned my character and you don't know me which shows true IGNORANCE. I have only questioned your posts.

You can continue to bash me & call me a scumbag, ignorant and stupid but it only makes you sound pathetic.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
spreadbeater said:
But good luck with it, are you a dermatologist? Would think so with the name "RawPimple". Either way, good luck with it.

LMAO. That's actually pretty funny. Pretty witty on your part to come up with that Spread. He's not a dermatologist, but it was a solid connection to make.

I explained this earlier, but growing up in Miami, I used to hang around with the "thugs". My screen name used to be rawpimp before I grew out of that stage of life. My older bro used to mock me with that screen name.

I'd really like to let it die. Like I said Spread, never meant any disrespect.

Fade defended you, my brother defended me, people are taking stabs at each other. Seriously, it's one giant misunderstanding. My UCF shit is playful in-state rival bullshit. I'm just looking for ways to bust your balls Fade. You keep getting offended with that, so I keep stabbing at it.

We gonna let this die fellas? Seriously...I think its just a giant, I'm defending my friend/brother thing - stemming from a drunken affair and misunderstanding....

I am one of Billy Walters Boys!
Jun 15, 2005
Done and Done. No Hard Feelings towards you or your brother. If you and pimp want to settle this with a little 2 on 2 basketball game lets do it.

Spread & Fade Me -3 vs Pimp & Box ...Any Takers?

By the way UCF is on the rise, give us 5 years. Come on in one year we went from 0-1,000,000 to hosting the conference USA champ game and going to a bowl game.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Fade Me said:
I am going to throw my last comments and I am sure you will to bc I know your insecurity will not allow you not to or maybe you will be "drunk" again.

I would love to see some documents proving this suppose 80% winners.

You are fucking bi-polar and need to get some help, one second you say spread is great paper and would never bash him and but you did and you keep bringing up the playoffs to bash him indirectly.

The computer and GPA shit is what we call sarcasm, you might to get a sense of humor tight ass.

I do not wish death upon you but I know it gets to you so I say it.

I am not ignorant, stupid or going to be a failure. Since you want to talk shit about me and do not even know me I will tell you some stuff about me. The last two summers I got internships in NYC with multi-billion & multi-million companies respectively, both which have offered me jobs as soon as I get out of school. I think they will pay me more than $21,000.

If you think life is determined by a piece of paper you receive from college. You are mistaken. Its one line on your resume big fucking deal. Waive that UF degree around all you want but in the end it’s just another State school from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:state w:st="on">Florida</st1:state></st1:place> and does hold any weight over UCF.

I will continue to post in Spreads threads praising him if he hits over 60% and the day you do I will praise you. Call it E-Blowjobs or whatever you want but its called loyalty the man has won me money so I am going to praise him until the day he goes in the negative and if that day ever came I will support him because I am a good friend.

Think of me what you want, but remeber I don't question you as a person, you have questioned my character and you don't know me which shows true IGNORANCE. I have only questioned your posts.

You can continue to bash me & call me a scumbag, ignorant and stupid but it only makes you sound pathetic.

Ok sounds good. I dont know you and you dont know me. We're attacking each other blindly. So relax. Even the most "personal" shit said on here isnt really personal because we dont know the first thing about each other. You wanna let this fuckin thing die, legitamitally? Or do you wanna just say ok lets let it die, but still talk shit to spread and ill talk shit to pimple.

Im seriously down to call this a giant misunderstanding....we're all defending people and ripping into others blindly just to get under each others skin.....

Its Over as far as Im concerned...

By the way, my college baseball picks are documented in the baseball forum a few months back. My "locks of the millenium" meaning no way the plays could lose ...went 11-1 i believe. (ironic how locks of the millenium never lose but i went 11-1?)

by the way, i cant pull sense of humor when we are spewing nasty posts at each other...i cant tell what is joking and what is angry...i just assume the whole thing is angry......

you ready to drop this thing my man?

im done with was fun...but i think we all got better shit to do.

I am one of Billy Walters Boys!
Jun 15, 2005
It def was fun and now over. Are we going to play or what? lol

Before i was not refering to your baseball picks. I was wondering if you could send me some doucmentation on your trap plays. I am curious to see what games they were. even though i do not believe in trap lines.

See u at the heat games.

I am going to talk shit about you with spread now. jk

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Fade Me said:
Done and Done. No Hard Feelings towards you or your brother. If you and pimp want to settle this with a little 2 on 2 basketball game lets do it.

Spread & Fade Me -3 vs Pimp & Box ...Any Takers?

By the way UCF is on the rise, give us 5 years. Come on in one year we went from 0-1,000,000 to hosting the conference USA champ game and going to a bowl game.

Hah. How bout some 2 on 2 baseball or tackle football? JK.

I know UCF is on the rise, I have plenty of friends that go there. Dont take it personal, like I said just some in state rival fun. Daunte Culpepper put that school on the map, only up from there, for sports and once they get some revenue, everything else. And by the way I did apply to UCF. I was accepted, but I went to UF for a few reasons.

UCF has a big ass campus too supposively.

PS. I'm one of the biggest believers in the world that a college education is a scam and waste of time and money. Trust me, the whole degree thing was just to get under your skin. You probably wont find another person on the planet who thinks what school, what degree etc you get and college is a waste of time unless you are going for a degree that you have to have college for like doctor, lawyer, etc.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Fade Me said:
It def was fun and now over. Are we going to play or what? lol

Before i was not refering to your baseball picks. I was wondering if you could send me some doucmentation on your trap plays. I am curious to see what games they were. even though i do not believe in trap lines.

See u at the heat games.

I am going to talk shit about you with spread now. jk

Yes, my trap system plays are documented. The only problem is they werent documented as trap system plays. They were mixed into my regular plays. But when I played the game, I played it because I felt the line was a trap. I can pull each game out to show you which games those were.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do to become a better capper is be open minded to anything. Thats the one thing I have learned. I cant teach you about money management, I cant teach you about over unders, etc. I suck at that shit. But I can say, be open minded, and dont shut any possibilities out. Always stay humble when capping, and try to learn new things. Give the "trap" system a chance to see if it makes sense for you.

Give the quit factor system of tater a chance to see if it makes sense. One day, all of these system plays may point to the same team, and you might have a pretty solid play. Who of luck learning capping.

The other thing I suggest is to cap every game every over under every side and spread every single night in every single sport. And then go back and see how you did. Its the easiest way to get better.

Thats really all the advice I got for you...Im sure spread has already helped you enough.

New member
Oct 4, 2005

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
2 on 2 basketball sounds good however do I have to take Box on my team? If it were baseball or football sure but I am not sure about basketball. I would even take Marino who is 5 foot 2 and whiter than you can imagine. Although I must admit Marino was the winner of the Special Olympics one on one basketball tourney about a month ago as well as the Special Olympics penis contest.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
Detective Marino: I spotted a HenHouseX4

Better get on it and figure out who it is

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
I don't have a problem with anyone on this site, even Marino. I am just here to make some cash, and have a little fun. Although I am seriously contemplating going to the RX bash whenever that comes around again. Maybe get a big basketball tourney going. We could have HenHouse, HenHouseX1, HenHouseX2, and SmokeyWins, hell even SmokeysDad as the refs. Marino serving the players water and RoxyGuy as the cheerleader. Once the teams are established we could set a line and have some wagering. AlWatts could come and make his selection
RX White team Pick EM (buy the 16 points to even)
Good Luck AlWatts :103631605

Well hope there are no hard feelings and obviously all the UCF stuff is a joke. Anyone that turns down BCC is going places.
Spread over looked your record. You have started this NBA season hot as well. Best of luck and hope it continues!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This thread was hilarious. It starts with a request for another poster to go kill himself and ends with lets play 2 on 2 basketball.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
delmo said:
This thread was hilarious. It starts with a request for another poster to go kill himself and ends with lets play 2 on 2 basketball.


must be nice to live in florida lol

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This turned into a promising RR all out flame/bashing thread to a "Touch my penis with me" party.

I thought Tulsa was going to bring this place back.

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